Social Media can be a powerful networking tool, connecting people from across the globe and opening up a myriad of resources and opportunities. But the larger your network becomes, the more vulnerable it can leave you feeling. Not only are companies vying for your attention (and your money!) but so are your personal connections (think school fundraisers, athletic fundraiers and even charitable causes). Before you know it, your inbox is full or repeated requests. You either ignore them, feel guilty and buy/donate or end up "hiding" or "unfriending" those contacts.
We used to only have to be concerned with receiving that sales call or solicitations on our land lines while we were eating dinner. Then than translated to calls on our cellphones, once they became more popular. Now we are bombarded 24/7, on Facebook and beyond.
Thisarticle discusses the bombardment epidemic and what consumers actually want from companies. What are you thoughts on the solicitation going on within your social media circle? How do you handle it?
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