Monday, December 19, 2011

5 Ways to a Healthier, More Efficient New Year

With the New Year quickly approaching, many of us decide to make a list of resolutions to work on in the coming weeks. Often times, we abandon most of them before January even comes to a close. So why not pick a few that are easy to incorporate into your work day? Try one of these (or all 5) to make 2012 a great year at work. These 5 things can make a BIG difference in your work day.
  1. Take a walk. Sitting for long periods of time can not only cause aches and it pains but believe it or not, it can be energy draining. Commit to getting up every hour or so, even if it is just for a quick stroll around the office. If you have the time, try to find a reason to walk to another department (hand-deliver a reports, get some face time with other employees, grab some water). For even more bonus points, when weather and time permits use part of your lunch time to take a walk outside. You don't even have to break a sweat (but even more bonus points if you can!) to get the mental benefits of having a change of scenery and the physical benefits of being outdoors.
  2. Drink one additional glass of water. If you don't already drink water, now is the perfect time to start. There really is no better beverage. No added chemicals, preservatives or sugar. If you already drink H20, adding one more glass will be a good thing since most of us do not quite get enough. Plus, it gives you and excuse to go to the break room and squeeze in #1. Drinking enough water can naturally support energy levels, as well as keep you from snacking when you are not really hungry.
  3. Eat a nutritious afternoon snack. If you are really hungry, try not to head to the vending machine for a snack filled with preservatives, sugar and most likely filled with saturated fat. Your afternoon snack (if you need one), can be the perfect opportunity to get an extra serving of fruit of vegetables in your diet, while giving you a natural energy boost.
  4. Pick your most challenging task for the day and do it first. Usually, we put the most challenging item on our to-do list for the day off at least until late morning once we have had the time to sort of "wake-up" and settle into our day. But consider doing that item first. Not only will it get that item off your list but you will most likely be motivated to knock a few other things off your list, too. Plus, when 5:00 p.m rolls around, you will not be scrambling to finish that task before you can leave the office.
  5. Set a timer. Get your stopwatch (or clock or iPhone app) ready and set it for 5, 10 or 15 minutes and work on only one thing for that period of time. Of course, if you have to answer the phone and it is urgent, that is fine but don't answer a call or email unless must be prioritized over what you are currently doing. Multitasking can be great in a lot of situations but when you need to get something done quickly, often times working on only that task will allow you to check the "completed" box sooner.
Making just a few small changes over the course of your day can really add up in the long run.

What are your work resolutions for 2012?

Monday, December 12, 2011

7 Things Highly Effective People Do

This time of year we often start to think about the New Year and those resolutions that often go with them. In some form or fashion, people usually have time management or productivity on their list to tackle.

So what are the "secrets" of highly effective people. This article from outlines 7 skills you can begin implementing immediately.

What are you planning on doing to be more productive in the coming year?
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