Thursday, July 28, 2011

6 Ways to Discover Your Authentic Work

Photo credit: Exsodus

Are you doing what you love?  Whether is be your full-time job, hobbies or volunteer work you participate in on the weekends. Do you have a connection with one of your passions?

This article gives you 6 ways you can tap into your talents and connect with what you were born to do. 

Thursday, July 21, 2011

How to Break Into an Unfamiliar Industry

In today's workforce and economy, it is rare for employees to stay with a company for 25+ years , as use to be the norm. Or, even for an individual to stay in the exact same industry. 

Perhaps they continue to work in sales, but move from medical (chemical and supplies) to medical (device). Very often it is imperative to break into a different industry, or even a different sub category as new trends arrive on the horizon. 

We have to be willing to go with the flow, when it comes to change. Some industries will become obsolete and if we are not ahead of the curve, we could be left behind. An example in the news recently? With the rise in popularity of eReaders and the change in economy, Borders book sellers are closing their doors, leaving 10,000+ employees looking for a job, most likely in a different industry.

But how exactly, do you being the process of breaking into a new industry?

This article, from Brazen Career has some great tips on adjusting your sails, so you can stay on coarse in your career.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How the Virtual Water Cooler Will Change Your Workplace

Telecommuting either part-time or full-time is becoming more and more common in this age of technology. How does this change office camaraderie and the "water cooler" talk you have in a typical office setting?

Read Megan Erickson's article on how the workplace is changing.

If you work from home, what are the advantages and disadvantages when it comes interaction with your coworkers?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How Are People Really Using Their LinkedIn Profiles?

The landscape of social media is constantly changing. The online personal profile really took hold with the introduction of Myspace. Then, Facebook took over. Now more professionals are finding them themselves on LinkedIn for business purposes. As we have discussed in the previous posts, Google+ seems to be moving up quite quickly, so it will be interesting to see how that impacts other social media.

But for the time being, how are individuals actually utilizing their LinkedIn profile?

Here are the results of a Lab42 survey outlining how people actually use their LinkedIn account.

How do you utilize your account. Which do you use more often; LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook or Google+? What causes you to prefer one social media platform over another?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Following Up After the First Interview

Now that you have increased the chance that your resume was seen by the hiring manager and received the call for an interview, what should you plan on doing to follow-up after the interview to either increase your chance for a second interview or even land the job? This Resume Bucket article offers a few suggestions.

Do you have a follow-up plan that you use and find beneficial?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Tips on Getting Your Resume Viewed by Hiring Managers

How can you be sure that your resume it really being viewed, rather the overlooked?  You often spend hours working on your CV but are you including the items that will get your credentials seen by he right people?

Increase your chances of landing an interview by getting your resume viewed by a hiring manager.

Here are five things you can do to increase the chances your resume is viewed and that you get "the" call.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Social Media and the Job Search

With the Google+ launch recently, social media is back in the news.  So, how does social media impact your job search?  What methods can you use to expand your market exposure and knowledge of job openings?  Read this article to get up-to-speed on the newest social media jobbing trends.

Don't forget to follow us on Twitter (where we tweet new job openings), LinkedIn and Facebook.

What are your thoughts on social media and the job search? Have you found success using a specific social media platform?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

5 Simple Ways to Recapture and Reignite Your Dreams

Do you ever feel like your 9-5 keeps you from developing your other dreams and hobbies?  Not that you don't love your job but perhaps there are other things you enjoy doing, that you seem to have lost the spark or even the time for?  Maybe is it running, playing the guitar, creating art, community service or other pursuits.  How do you recapture the passion for your dreams?  Read this article by Jeff Haden to jump start your rediscovered passions.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Consider CEASE Acronym for Resume Summaries

Do you know what should ideally be included in your resume summary? You only have a few lines to make a strong impression on a recruiter, hiring manager or potential employer. You want to make sure only to include the essentials and those elements that highlight your strengths.

To get started, consider using these tips and give your resume summary a quick makeover.

Friday, July 8, 2011

10 Top Google+ Users Comment on the Web's Newest Social Network

Yesterday's post linked to an article that discussed the future of Google+ in the workplace. Today's article from Mashable,  reviews comments from the 10 top Goggle+ users.

What do you think of Goggle+?

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Why Google+ Could Find a Home in the Workplace

Most of us are familiar with Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and use one or all of them on a regular basis. But have you heard about Goggle Plus? Right now, it is invitation only so you will have to find a current member to send you an invite. You can read about the components of Google Plus, in the link above.

Google Plus will undoubtedly be used personally but according to this article, it may find its way into the work place and a powerful working tool. 

Do you have experience with Google Plus? What are your thoughts?  What is your favorite feature? In what way(s) would you be most likely to utilize Google Plus at work?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Could Your Temporary Position Turn into a Permanent Gig?

Photo credit: photostock

Temporary jobs can be beneficial on many levels. They allow you to continue you to work, even when you may not be able to locate full-time employment. You also get the opportunity to observe the culture and working environment of the company you are temping with. Finally, you can decide after you "try out" the position, if this might be something you would want to do long term. 

Temporary jobs can be especially helpful if you are looking to change industries within the same field. You are able to gain knowledge and hands on time in that specific industry or specialty, all while working and experiencing the day-to-day demands of the job.

This article by Dennis Nishi, explores how you can potentially turn a temporary working environment into your next full-time permannt position.

Would you ever consider taking a temporary job or even engaging in contracted work? If you have ever taken a temporary position, what were the pros? The cons? Is it something you would consider now or in the future?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

8 Crucial Interviewing Tips

You applied for the job, got the call back and now, you are scheduled for your first interview.

Before you head out, read these 8 tips to polish up your interview skills and make a great impression on the hiring manager.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence Day

Photo credit: nixxphotography

Sunstone Staffing wishes you and your family a happy and safe 4th of July.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Getting Started on LinkedIn

Whether you have been thinking about signing up for a LinkedIn account, or you already have one but are looking for ways to spruce it up. Check out these tips on how to maximize your use of this powerful professional social networking tool. 

How do you use LinkedIn?  What feature(s) do you find most useful?
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