Monday, December 19, 2011

5 Ways to a Healthier, More Efficient New Year

With the New Year quickly approaching, many of us decide to make a list of resolutions to work on in the coming weeks. Often times, we abandon most of them before January even comes to a close. So why not pick a few that are easy to incorporate into your work day? Try one of these (or all 5) to make 2012 a great year at work. These 5 things can make a BIG difference in your work day.
  1. Take a walk. Sitting for long periods of time can not only cause aches and it pains but believe it or not, it can be energy draining. Commit to getting up every hour or so, even if it is just for a quick stroll around the office. If you have the time, try to find a reason to walk to another department (hand-deliver a reports, get some face time with other employees, grab some water). For even more bonus points, when weather and time permits use part of your lunch time to take a walk outside. You don't even have to break a sweat (but even more bonus points if you can!) to get the mental benefits of having a change of scenery and the physical benefits of being outdoors.
  2. Drink one additional glass of water. If you don't already drink water, now is the perfect time to start. There really is no better beverage. No added chemicals, preservatives or sugar. If you already drink H20, adding one more glass will be a good thing since most of us do not quite get enough. Plus, it gives you and excuse to go to the break room and squeeze in #1. Drinking enough water can naturally support energy levels, as well as keep you from snacking when you are not really hungry.
  3. Eat a nutritious afternoon snack. If you are really hungry, try not to head to the vending machine for a snack filled with preservatives, sugar and most likely filled with saturated fat. Your afternoon snack (if you need one), can be the perfect opportunity to get an extra serving of fruit of vegetables in your diet, while giving you a natural energy boost.
  4. Pick your most challenging task for the day and do it first. Usually, we put the most challenging item on our to-do list for the day off at least until late morning once we have had the time to sort of "wake-up" and settle into our day. But consider doing that item first. Not only will it get that item off your list but you will most likely be motivated to knock a few other things off your list, too. Plus, when 5:00 p.m rolls around, you will not be scrambling to finish that task before you can leave the office.
  5. Set a timer. Get your stopwatch (or clock or iPhone app) ready and set it for 5, 10 or 15 minutes and work on only one thing for that period of time. Of course, if you have to answer the phone and it is urgent, that is fine but don't answer a call or email unless must be prioritized over what you are currently doing. Multitasking can be great in a lot of situations but when you need to get something done quickly, often times working on only that task will allow you to check the "completed" box sooner.
Making just a few small changes over the course of your day can really add up in the long run.

What are your work resolutions for 2012?

Monday, December 12, 2011

7 Things Highly Effective People Do

This time of year we often start to think about the New Year and those resolutions that often go with them. In some form or fashion, people usually have time management or productivity on their list to tackle.

So what are the "secrets" of highly effective people. This article from outlines 7 skills you can begin implementing immediately.

What are you planning on doing to be more productive in the coming year?

Monday, November 28, 2011

Reverse Mentoring in the Workplace

Typically, we think of the workplace mentoring model as one where the senior employees guide the newer hires through the ropes. However, the model seems to be changing.

This Wall Street Journal article highlights the reverse trend where younger employees are mentoring the more seasoned veterans on topics such as technology and social media.

What do you think of this trend? Does your workplace have any sort of mentoring programs in place. Or is it more of an informal approach? Have you mentored some one or ever been a mentee?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

10 Feng Shui Ways To Make Office Life Better

An organized office can be one of the most effective time management tools. There is almost nothing more distracting than a messy desk stacked with files and paperwork.  When an office is orderly and things can be found quickly, you can focus on the project at hand. You can find a few tips on how to easily Feng Shui, here.

Monday, November 14, 2011

What is Your Company's Stance on Social Media in the Workplace?

Photo credit: jscreationzs

Sure, your company may have its on presence on social media with a Facebook book page, Twitter handle or You Tube channel but do you know their stance on the use of social media outlets at work?

According to this article, many companies block the use of social media sites on their computers, even during break time. However, with the explosion in popularity of Smartphones and employee most likely still logs in to some sort of social media app during the workday anyway.

What are your thoughts on social media in the workplace? Do you think they create more connections or provide unnecessary distractions?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Veteran's Day

Suntsone Staffing would like to take a moment this Veteran's Day to say THANK YOU to all those who have served and are currently our Country.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How Virtual Workers Can Collaborate And Stay Connected

Teleworking either full or part-time is becoming more and more a part of the typical workforce landscape. While it opens up many opportunities it can also create challenges when collaborating with co-workers.

What can you do to stay better connected? Try these tips to create a better long distance working relationship.

Monday, October 31, 2011

How Your Resume Is Reviewed In 15 Seconds

Believe it or not, you only have about 15 seconds to impress a recruiter with your resume. Only 15 seconds?  That is not much time at all, is it? But that is all you have--like it or now.

Recruiters are very busy with many jobs to fill, many candidates to research and even more resumes to sort through. That limits the amount of time they have to initially scan your resume.  Sure, eventually the "ones" that make it past the first round will be reviewed more thoroughly, at some point. But if your resume is not picked-up initially, then there is no second round for it to be considered.

What can you do to clean up your resume to make sure the right things shine, when it is being quickly scanned?  View these tips from to see what you can change now, that make get you a call back!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Is Your To-Do List Too Long?

It is Monday and the weekly tasks are beginning to pile up. The more on your to-do list the better, right? Or could it be causing you to be less productive?

Read this article, here to see how your mile long task list may be hindering you what you can do about it.

How do you tackle your to-do list?

Monday, October 17, 2011

Successful Starts: Five Tips for Kicking Off Your New Job - Simply Hired Blog

Photo credit: photostock
Starting a new job can be exciting and terrifying at the same time. You want to make sure to leave a good impression from Day 1. So what can you to to ensure things go well on your first week and beyond?

Here are five great tips for getting started off on the right foot at your new job.

Monday, October 10, 2011

What a Job Seeker’s Twitter Bio Should – and Shouldn’t – Look Like

Now that social media is an integral part of your professional image, it is important to portray yourself in a way that could land you the job. Even on Twitter. 

You would never want your bio to turn people away. So what can you do to make your bio really stand out.  Try these tips and log into your Twitter account now and a few quick changes that will make a BIG difference.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Discover Your Unique Talent

Photo credit: Idea go

Knowing your strengths and (weaknesses) is an integral part of your personal and professional development. But do you know what your unique talent is?  Find our how to pinpoint it, here.

Friday, September 30, 2011

How to Redeem a Disastrous Job Interview

You prepared long and hard for job interview, and the day has finally come. You make it through the first few questions and feel things are a on the right track. Then, all of a sudden you are hit with a question and the interview takes a sharp turn for the worse. Perhaps you were not anticipating that type of question or maybe you were and the answer just did not come out the way you planned.

What can you do to salvage the interview before it is took late? This article offers some pointers on how to rescue your interview and hopefully receive a call back for a second interview.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

7 Tips for Surviving & Thriving at Networking Events

It seems like face to face networking has taken a backseat to social networking site; however, you should not overlook this valuable resource.  Especially when you are conducting a job search. Not only can you create an in person connection but it also allows you to in turn, expand your social media circle.

Here are 7 tips for making the most of your next networking function. If you do not have an upcoming networking meeting scheduled on your calendar, now is a good a time as any to find one!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

5 Ways to Ruin a Resume

We have discussed what is important to have on resumes in order to "be seen" but what about ways you can ruin a resume without even realizing it? 

Those "little" things that can move your resume to the bottom of the stack, or even worse, into the trash can?

View this article for 5 things you can remove from your resume, to decrease the chance that it is skimmed over due to a faux pas. 

Monday, September 26, 2011

4 Killer Dropbox Tricks

Dropbox is a Web-based file hosting service that allows users to store and share files and folders with other via the Internet using file synchronization. 

This article offers some great tips on how to use a valuable resource.

Do you use Dropbox?

Friday, September 23, 2011

9 Secrets of Motivated People

How do you stay motivated when you hit a personal or professional rut? 

Read this Real Simple article to get ideas on how to become re inspired.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

What is Going on With the "New" Facebook

If you have logged in to your Facebook account in the past few days, you probably noticed some big changes.

A lot of people have been frustrated by the changes, but stay ahead of the curve with this quick tutorial from Mashable.

What do you find most helpful about the changes? Least helpful?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Staying Inspired When You Work Alone

Most days when you work from home, you stay plenty busy getting everything done and meeting deadlines. But some days, one can feel lonely and then motivation and productivity can take a nosedive. 

So, what can you to get over this momentary road block?

Here are some great ideas to get you started. What do you do to stay inspired over the long haul, when working alone?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Motivating Workers is About More Than Salary

Salary can certainly play a role when deciding to accept a job offer, but money alone cannot determine long term job satisfaction.

What other factors play a role in motivation? View this article here from Clark Howard.

What factors, other than money, motivate you?

Monday, September 19, 2011

How to Take Control of Your Commute

Do you feel like your commute to work is out of control? A collection of wasted time, frustration and wishing you could just teleport to your job and avoid it all together.

But what can you do to take back control of your time? This article suggests what you can do to feel better at the end of the day and maximize the use of your time in the car, on the bus or on the train.

What do you do to make you commute less stressful and more productive?

Or you could avoid the commute all together and telework.

Friday, September 16, 2011

10 Things To Do While Between Jobs

How do you make the most of the time between jobs, Whether you are looking for a new gig or have some time before your next project starts, how ca you best utilize your time?

This article from JobMob gives you ideas on the best ways to maximize your time in transition.

Why project are you most proud of completing in a time of transition?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Fastest Growing Jobs Over the Next Decade

Did your profession make the the list? Are you thinking about changing careers? View this list to see where you job falls on the spectrum.

A hint--the healthcare industry gives a strong showing, as usual.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How to Conduct Your Own Annual Review

Most jobs require some sort of annual, bi-annual or quarterly review. It allows you and your employer to see what your are accomplishing, if you are staying on track and to denote areas for potential growth. It is a way of charting your course and adjusting, if necessary.

But often we do not take the time to apply this to our personal life. And since our personal life and development can effect our professional life, it would really benefit us to do this in more than one way.

View these ideas from Chris Guillebeau, on how checking in once a year can take your personal and professional life to the next level.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

7 Things Your Resume Just Does Not Need

When it comes to resume writing, the more you have on your resume the better, right? Not necessarily. 

Pull out the most recent version of your resume and compare it to the list here. Do you have one or more of the items on the list still hanging out on your resume? If, so why take a moment to update it.

Monday, September 12, 2011

How to Write a Professional Summary for Your Resume

Does your resume include a Professional Summary at the beginning? If not, you are missing one of the most vital pieces of information in regards to selling yourself! 

Gone are the days of the generic "Objective" paragraph as an opener. Now employers look for that summary which is a paragraph or two that encapsulates who you are as a professional.

View these tips, for ideas on how to begin writing your summary. Make this important addition to your resume today!

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Three Things a Hiring Manager Needs to Know in Order to Hire You

When hiring a new employee, the Hiring Manager wants to make sure that they employ "the one", avoiding anyone who is not the right fit for the company.

But what do they factor in, other than skills and education, when making the final decision? And what can you do to make sure that your "it" factor shines through. Read this article by Joshua Waldman on for tips on projecting yourself professionally.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

This is Why You Didn't Get the Job

You submitted your resume, got a call back and even went through two rounds of interviews. But you still did not get the job. Do you ever wonder why. Sure, there are those instances where someone else was a better fit but could there be other reasons that you have control over?

This article provides a list of things YOU can DO to increase your chances of getting the job you want. Use it as check list to see what you can CHANGE now to really "wow" the hiring manager in your next interview.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Ten Worst Things You Can Put on Your Resume

We talk a lot about resumes on this blog. And rightfully so. Professionally, it is someone's first impression of you. Whether your resume is posted on LinkedIn, or a Hiring Manager is reviewing after you submit if for a position, your resume speaks volumes about you. Not just your education and work history but also faux pas that can be found.

Do you have any deal breakers or your resume. Anything that might cause a Hiring Manager NOT to hire you.

Read the tips from FINS here on how you can remove the ten worse things you could put on your resume.

Do you have any of these ten on your resume?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

How To Protect Your Laptop In Case of Theft

We often do not think about our electronics becoming stolen, until it happens. Do you have any safeguards in place to prevent its theft. What about if your laptop were to become stolen. Do you have any recourse? 

Read these tips on how to prevent your laptop's demise as well as possible recover it should it ever go MIA.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Labor Day

Happy Labor Day!

We are taking the day off from blogging. We will be back tomorrow with our regularly scheduled post.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Ten Tips for Respectful and Effective Shared Calendaring

With the introduction of "the cloud", calendar sharing options have exploded. You know longer have to physically sync a device which opens up the number of people who may have access to a calendar.

This can be an advantage but it can also cause complications, if everyone if not on the same page.

Follow these tips to allow for effective and considerate calendar sharing.

What are your tips for making a shared calendar work?

Thursday, September 1, 2011

What I Have Learned From 15 Years in Business

Hindsight is 20/20, right. Here are 15 "I wish I knew" moments from Pamela Slim. Learn from her 15 years, so that you don't have to make these same mistakes yourself.

Read this advice and learn what not to do.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sneak in These Simple Exercises at the Office to Stay Healthy

Photo credit: Ambro

With cold and flu season quickly approaching many people start thinking more about trying not to catch the office bug.

What do you do at the office to stay well? Is is something you even make time for. Exercising and eating right are important but there are other things you can do help you stay well to avoid taking unnecessary sick days and falling behind on your work. Read some great tips, here.

Do you have any tips or tricks for staying well?

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Telecommuters Are More Ethical Than Office Bound Employees--Is This True?

In this article by BNET, they review a study that indicates telecommuters are less likely to have ethical violations than their in-office counterparts You can read the article here.

Do you agree? Disagree?

Monday, August 29, 2011

How to Prep for an Interview Via Skype

As the methods of job interviews change with technology, so does the preparation for interview. Initial interviews are now being conducted more frequently both over the phone and via Skype and other VOIP applications.

But how do you prepare for a Skype differently than you would and in-person interview. Read this article by Brazen Careerist for tips on how you can ace the interview and avoid any faux pas that might cost you the job.

Have you ever participate in an interview via telephone or Skype. What were your thoughts? What were the advantages? The disadvantages?

Friday, August 26, 2011

A Field Guide to Obnoxious Workplace Eating

Bringing your lunch to work can be a good thing, right. You can pack healthier food, save time, save gas, save money. But are you guilty of brown bagging offending foods? You know the type of foods that leave a lingering odor, well after the lunch hour has ended.

According to this article by Sue Shellenbarger the top five offending foods include:
  • Reheated fish dishes
  • Fast-food french fries
  • Microwave popcorn and burritos
  • Sandwiches with liverwurst or onion
  • Dishes with aged cheeses
Curious other the other obnoxious eating no-nos? Read the full article here.

How polite are you?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Business Advice: 14 Things I Wish I Could Have Told Myself at 25

As we grow professionally, hopefully we grow personally as well. If you had the chance to sit down and write a letter to your younger self, what would you say? Professionally? Personally? Would their be some overlap of universal "rules" to break or follow?

Here, Jeff Haden shares 14 things he wishes he could have told his younger, 25 year old self. What would your list look like? What would be at the top of the list?

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What is a Functional Resume and Do You Need One?

Most of us are familiar with the more traditional chronological resumes, that list our most recent employer first and then moving down few our last few jobs.

But have you considered writing a functional resume?  Rather than listing things chronologically, you design collections of skills sets, such as management, technical and interpersonal skills.

It may not work for every position you apply for but sometimes having more than one resume can be helpful.  Perhaps you could have both on hand for different situations. 

View this article for tips on how to create dynamic a functional resume.

Monday, August 22, 2011

5 Tips for Staying Healty on the Job

Now that summer is nearing and end, we have cold a flu season to think about. We are all exposed to more germs in the fall and winter months. But what you can you do YOU to keep yourself in tip top shape and decrease the number of sick days you take, as well as have a better overall health profile?  Read here for a great article on 5 things you can do to stay healthy on the job.

What do you do to stay healthy?

Friday, August 19, 2011

Keep Emails Brief, Organized, and On Topic to Get Responses from Busy People

We are all busy and have a lot to accomplish at work during business hours. Time is of the essence.

For the most part, we correspond with the same key people with in our organization in order to get our work accomplished; however, from time to time we may need to contact an individual higher up in the organization or even outside the organization.  Generally, we know these people are particularly busy. Or maybe we know they receive A LOT of emails and the likely hood of ours being read may be slim-to-none.

So what can YOU do to increase the chances that your email is read and you get what you need? Try these tips from Passive Panda on how to get a response to your important email.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

10 Ironclad Reasons Why Jobs Seekers Must Use Social Media

What tools are you using to locate your next job? Have you considered the benefit of using social media to power your search. This Job Mob article outlines why if your not already using social media, you should!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How to Tackle Tricky and Challenging Interview Questions

We are all familiar with the traditional interview questions.
  1. What did you apply for this position?
  2. What are your strengths?
  3. What are your weaknesses?
  4. Where do you see yourself in five years?
But what happens when you receive more of situational type questions, such as "Give an example of a time one of your employees was not meeting a performance goal and what you did to change the production end result?"

Taking just a little bit of time to ponder these types of questions can go along way and allow you to really shine in the interview.

Here are a few tips on answering those less common questions that may come up in an interview.

What is the most challenging interview question you have been faced with? How did you respond? Do you feel you could have answered the question more effectively had you been more prepared for that type of question?
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