Monday, October 31, 2011

How Your Resume Is Reviewed In 15 Seconds

Believe it or not, you only have about 15 seconds to impress a recruiter with your resume. Only 15 seconds?  That is not much time at all, is it? But that is all you have--like it or now.

Recruiters are very busy with many jobs to fill, many candidates to research and even more resumes to sort through. That limits the amount of time they have to initially scan your resume.  Sure, eventually the "ones" that make it past the first round will be reviewed more thoroughly, at some point. But if your resume is not picked-up initially, then there is no second round for it to be considered.

What can you do to clean up your resume to make sure the right things shine, when it is being quickly scanned?  View these tips from to see what you can change now, that make get you a call back!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Is Your To-Do List Too Long?

It is Monday and the weekly tasks are beginning to pile up. The more on your to-do list the better, right? Or could it be causing you to be less productive?

Read this article, here to see how your mile long task list may be hindering you what you can do about it.

How do you tackle your to-do list?

Monday, October 17, 2011

Successful Starts: Five Tips for Kicking Off Your New Job - Simply Hired Blog

Photo credit: photostock
Starting a new job can be exciting and terrifying at the same time. You want to make sure to leave a good impression from Day 1. So what can you to to ensure things go well on your first week and beyond?

Here are five great tips for getting started off on the right foot at your new job.

Monday, October 10, 2011

What a Job Seeker’s Twitter Bio Should – and Shouldn’t – Look Like

Now that social media is an integral part of your professional image, it is important to portray yourself in a way that could land you the job. Even on Twitter. 

You would never want your bio to turn people away. So what can you do to make your bio really stand out.  Try these tips and log into your Twitter account now and a few quick changes that will make a BIG difference.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Discover Your Unique Talent

Photo credit: Idea go

Knowing your strengths and (weaknesses) is an integral part of your personal and professional development. But do you know what your unique talent is?  Find our how to pinpoint it, here.
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